Why a Blog?

One thing every photographer has to deal with these days is that EVERYONE has a camera. Actually most people have more than one with point and shoots and camera phones becoming standard issue to everyone 10 and up. Add to that the fact that $800 DSLR’s are capable of doing things that would have cost you $4000 a few years ago and it gets a bit overwhelming. Making a living as a photographer in a time when literally everyone is a photographer removes all the mystery that we could once rely on. The romance and stench of the darkroom has been replaced by an iPhone and a $3 app. This makes a lot of photographers nervous, but if you look at Facebook you see all you need to know.

Facebook is the number one medium in the world for sharing photography, it trumps flickr and all the bookstores and art galleries world wide hands down. Thanks to many popular apps like picplz, and instagram some of the photos shared on here are getting more interesting to look at but for the most part the images themselves, with some exceptions, still don’t sand up. I love the visual arts and though you would have a tough time convincing my children or even my multiple hard drives worth of images I actually spend more time looking at images than I do creating them. With that in mind I’ve decided to fire this dusty blog back up and share what I can to help us all create better images.

Photography has a long standing tradition of sharing information, trade secrets are almost frowned upon and I have benefited from this more than most. So I’m here to share, educate, vent, and learn. I’m not worried about this cannibalizing my business because honestly if I’m not able to produce better results than you can on your own I don’t want to take your money, in this one sense I have discovered that I’m more artist than business man and I am totally ok with that.

I will start out focusing on getting the most out of whatever camera you have with you but I’d be glad to get in to complex lighting and such if it turns out people are interested in that. So if you would be so kind, drop me a comment or an email and let me know what you would like to know. I’ve got several posts in the queue but knowing what people are interested in will help me keep that queue full.

Thank you, this should be fun.